Tuesday, February 23, 2010

She's Just Like Me

And it drives me absolutely bananas. I know. Which "She" you ask. Bug. Bug is just like me. She would rather dawdle than do her homework. Doesn't like to ask for permission before doing a craft because she's doing it as a gift for someone she loves. She's scatterbrained. Tonight, she forgot her spelling list for the 2nd night in a row because...?? Well I really don't know. But she did give me a good laugh tonight.

DH had ordered Girl Scout Cookies at work and they arrived. Bug and I sit across the table from each other. We were both eating a Tagalong (you know the chocolate peanut butter kind). I was nibbling the chocolate layer off my cookie edges first. DH started to laugh because Bug was sitting across the table from me doing the exact same thing. We had a good laugh. Usually when I see myself in Bug it drives me bananas. I'm not my biggest fan. But I've known so few people that eat cookies or pick the chocolate layer off of candy bars before eating the filling that it gave me a good laugh. I was able to enjoy that facet of her personality. I guess I need to focus less on how much our similarities drive me bananas to find the things about Bug that I can appreciate.

After all, she is my Bug and I do love her even if she drives me bananas.

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